The air had a subtle nervousness on the day he took me sailing, hanging heavy with the promise of rain. As we ventured into the middle of the lake, a shy burst of colour appeared. It was as if the universe itself had conspired to greet us, offering a loving interlude in the midst of an overcast sky.
oil on canvas. 24x24. 2023.
oil on canvas. 24x24. 2023.
oil on canvas. 24x24. 2023.
frozen wind.
oil on canvas. 24x24. 2023.
the universe observing us.
oil on canvas. 24x24. 2023.
oil on canvas. 24x24. 2023.
Tracy is a self-taught artist born in Vancouver BC, and living in Toronto as a Product Designer. In 2022, she graduated from Simon Fraser University with a B.A in Interactive Arts and Technology.
Deeply inspired by the fleeting moments in life, Tracy preserves her emotions with environment-driven textures and gentle colours that melt into each other — visualizing memories that fade with time.
These days, Tracy’s craft extends beyond oil painting; she spends her free time learning Chinese calligraphy, human anatomy, and HTML/CSS as a vessel for storytelling.